IMPORTANT: Cap screws and washers must be tight to achieve an accurate liner height reading.
1. Using D17526CI (or D17527CI) Dial Indicator and JDG451 (or KJD10123) Height Gauge, measure height (A) of each liner at 1, 5, 7, and 11 o’clock positions as viewed from rear of engine. Record all measurements.
Cylinder Liner—Height above Block 0.030—0.100 mm (0.001—0.004 in.)
Maximum Permissible Difference between Readings within Oneb Cylinder or between Adjacent
Cylinders..................................................................... 0.05 mm (0.002 in.)
2. Remove cap screws and washers securing liners to cylinder block.
IMPORTANT: DO NOT stamp top of piston. Piston may be damaged.
3. Number cylinder liners and pistons. Stamp front of liner to ensure correct assembly. Do not stamp liner flange; stamp on fire dam only.
IMPORTANT: Keep matched pistons and liners together. Liners must be reinstalled in same cylinder bore.
4. Pull liners out of cylinder block with D01062AA, D01073AA, KCD10001 or JDG1145 Cylinder Liner Puller.
NOTE: If the KCD10001 Puller is used, secure puller with two cylinder head cap screws.
IMPORTANT: When using D01062AA (or D01073AA) Cylinder Liner Puller (B) to remove liners (A), be sure jaw (C) of puller is correctly positioned before attempting to remove liner. DO NOT over-tighten liner puller to remove liners. Doing so could easily break liners.
B—Cylinder Liner Puller
5. Remove cylinder liner O-rings (A) from grooves in cylinder block (B). Also remove packing (C) from cylinder liner (D).
B—Cylinder Block
D—Cylinder Liner